FREE REPORT: 5 Common Estate Planning Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

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California Estate Planning and Protection

The Best California Estate Planning keeps you and your loved ones out of court and out of conflict

First, congratulations on even looking at this California Estate Planning page. Many of us don’t want to think about this stuff because we don’t want to face our mortality and/or we don’t think we have enough assets to actually qualify as an “estate” (that’s part of why I prefer to think of it as “Life and Legacy Planning”).

Life and Legacy Planning

Life and Legacy Planning means thinking through the tough questions, making the tough decisions, and implementing a plan so that your wishes are carried out in the event of your temporary or permanent incapacity and also after your death.

Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Who do I trust to make healthcare (and even life and death) decisions for me? Is that who the State of California would choose for me?
  2. Who do I trust to handle my financial affairs if I’m unable to do so?
  3. If I died right now, what would happen to my home, my possessions, and other assets? Who would take care of wrapping up my financial affairs? Who would “get my stuff?” Would there be conflict between family members? Would those closest to me, but not legally related, be left out in the cold?
  4. If I died today, would my loved ones have the time and money to go through a lengthy court process (i.e., probate) before they could even touch any of my assets (typically well over one year in California)?
  5. And if you have children and something happened to you in this very instant, ask: What would happen to my children? Who would take care of them right now and in the future? Would they be provided for? Would they be raised the way I/we want them to be? Would they end up in foster care in the short term or even for the long term?
  6. I have a will. Isn’t that all I need to take care of me and my family? (Maybe, but probably not, let's talk and find out.)
  7. I did my Estate Planning a few years ago. Aren’t I set? (If you did your plan over 3 years ago, probably not. Life and the law changes, so let's make sure you're set.)

The State of California has a default plan for you and has its own answers to these (and more) questions about your possible incapacity and your death. If you don’t have all the legal documents properly drafted and in place to address your specific life circumstances, these decisions will be taken out of your hands.

My Approach to California Estate Planning

My type of estate planning isn't just about filling out documents.

You and I work together during a Life and Legacy Planning Session wherein we do a thorough review of your current circumstances and discuss what it is you want for yourself and your loved ones.

I educate and empower you to make the best possible decisions for you and the people you love given your particular situation.

Then together we create a comprehensive plan that will work when you and your loved ones need it to.

I know that these issues, especially our own mortality are difficult to contemplate and I would be honored to serve as your counselor-at-law and California Estate Planning attorney.

Together, we can address these issues and help you protect yourself and your loved ones by making the best decisions and getting the right plan in place for your specific circumstances.

Already Have an Estate Plan?

Changes in your life, in the law, and in your circumstances may make many of the decisions you previously made obsolete.

If you have an existing estate plan that was done more than three years ago, you may wish to have it reviewed by a knowledgeable estate planning attorney to ensure that your plan will have the results you want it to have.

You can learn more about estate plan reviews here.

Planning your estate

Book Your Appointment Today

To better serve you, all consultations are by appointment only. Schedule your Life and Legacy Planning Session or book a consultation call with me.

You can also use my Contact page to get in touch with me.

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